Year 10 Parents' Information Evening: Tues 8 Oct 6.00 to 7.30pm

Communication - ARBOR


What Parents can see:

  • The student’s address and home phone number if they live with the student
  • Any student details they are marked down as a Primary Guardian
  • Any features switched on in the Parent Portal Settings page
  • Bookings to clubs and trips, but not who signed the child up (school or another guardian)
  • Positive and negative incidents logged

What Parents can’t see:

  • The student’s address and home phone number if they don’t live with the student
  • Another Guardian’s address or contact details - they can only see their name
  • Who issued a Detention
  • Any Communications sent to them unless they are via In-App Messaging

Search for ‘Arbor parent’ in the app store or google play store, to download the app to your device.

First Time Logging In - Guide
Click in the link below to read a PDF document on logging in for the first time as well as an overview on the features you will find inside the parent portal. 

First time logging in guide 

If you have any issues logging in, please read through the following troubleshooting guide BEFORE contacting school, as many of the issues are solved by following the steps in this guide.

Log in issues – troubleshooting guide

Arbor Parent Portal Guides 

Here are a few helpful guides that take you through some of the features of the Arbor parent portal. 

Introductory leaflet 

Attendance Overview 

Calendar Overview

Student Profile Overview

Behaviour Overview

COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL: Please  click here to view.