Open Evening - Thursday 26 September 6pm

Results News 2018

Woodkirk Academy

Students at Woodkirk Academy are once again celebrating excellent examination results this week.

Year 11 students were subject to the new grading system 9 to 1 across most of their GCSE subjects with BTECS ranging from Distinction* to a pass.  

What has remained the same is the very high pass rate enjoyed by the students with 83% passing English and 85% in Mathematics, with 77.2% gaining both.  

Schools are now judged on the percentage of students gaining a level 5+ in both English and Mathematics and Mrs Barton (Principal) is delighted to inform you that Woodkirk students were top in the South of the city for this.  Well done to all involved.


Students at Woodkirk Academy are celebrating excellent Key Stage 5 results again.  With 57% of all grades awarded being the top grades A*-B and a pass rate of 98.4%, students have much to be proud of.

Principal Mrs Joe Barton said “by accessing a wide range of subjects and qualifications students have enjoyed successes that allow each of them to achieve their aspirations.  Congratulations to all receiving results today and our very best wishes go with you for your future lives.”

2017/18 Head Girl Holly Schofield said “I am over the moon with my results and am looking forward to going to university.  I would like to say thank you to all Woodkirk staff who have helped and supported me to achieve my goals.”